Using this tool you can:
Use "Sign In/Sign Up", (at the top right of the page) using your or email address. It will detect the university's SSO authentication.
The service is free for any researcher!
NIH staff will review the Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS) which went into effect on January 25, 2023, provide an overview of policy implementation efforts at NIH, discuss available materials and resources to support implementation of the policy by the research community and identify areas where additional resources to support policy implementation may be developed.
The National Institutes of Health have had requirements in place for data management and sharing, and public access to publications based on NIH-funded research, for many years, but those requirements have recently been updated. New data management requirements are in place effective January 25, 2023, that replace the older 2003 Data Sharing Policy.
The new NIH data sharing policy requires that sharing occur for all awards generating scientific data regardless of whether data underlie a publication. Data sharing must occur no later than publication or end of award. The data management and sharing plan (DMSP) must also name an established repository.
Policies pre and post 2023 - this is the new NIH Scientific Data Sharing Website.
This table lists NIH-supported data repositories that make data accessible for reuse. Most accept submissions of appropriate data from NIH-funded investigators (& others), but some restrict data submission to only those researchers involved in a specific research network. Also included are resources that aggregate information about biomedical data & information sharing systems.
Many funding agencies require data management plans for different reasons, including:
Data management plans should be tailored to the requirements and goals of the funding agency.
Before Settling on a repository to deposit data, consider: