Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a form of resource sharing among libraries nation- and world-wide. When a book or other item needed by a UNC Charlotte user is checked out, unavailable for some other reason, or not owned by the library, a patron may request that it be borrowed from another library by submitting an interlibrary loan request.
Log into your account using the link below with your NinerNet username and password. Next, click on either "Request Article" for an article request, or "Request Book" for a book request. You can request an article or book held either by our library or other libraries - we'll send all of them to you!
When the article is ready (usually one or two business days) you will receive an email notifying you that the article is ready to download. Log back in and download the article. Books and other physical media take longer to receive, as they travel through U.S. mail. Keep in mind that the ILL staff does its best to get them to you as fast as possible, but please make sure to plan ahead and make your requests early as it may take longer to process your requests at peak times during the semester.