To find information about people connected with UNC Charlotte, the best places to start are in our finding aids and in Goldmine, where you can search for a person by name.
If you know an employees position or title, you can search by their job title or for the department or college in which they worked.
Student names are not as likely to come up in a search, but if they have been identified in a photograph you might find a result in our photographs collection. There are also many students pictured in this collection that have not been named!
Finally, students and some employees can be found by searching through our digitized yearbooks, student newspapers, and commencement programs.
Other helpful resources:
- UNC Charlotte oral history interviews with alumni, students, faculty, and staff
- Office of Public Relations Records (UA0226) contain news clippings, biographical files, video recordings, and other records that promote the people, programs, news, and events of UNC Charlotte.
- Student Media video yearbooks, 1989-1997
- Undergraduate and graduate catalogs contain a faculty directory that gives faculty members name, year of hire, title, and educational background