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ENGL 4072/WGST 4050: Girl Cultures

Research guide for Kathleen Hogan's ENGL 4072/WGST 4050 course with a focus on finding relevant and reliable information on diverse girls and social media.

MLA Resources

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) - This tool provides examples for how MLA should look and gives examples of in-text and Works Cited citations.

The MLA Style Center - The official website for MLA style.

Citation Management Tools

  • Endnote is a bibliographic citation management software. UNC Charlotte has licenses for EndNote available for all students. Don't know how to use it? Take Endnote 101 at the library for free!
  • Zotero is a free open-source citation management tool that lets you save articles, websites, and other materials. There are useful tutorials for getting started and maximizing this resource. Zotero needs to be installed on your computer.

For more help, check out the UNC Charlotte citation guide.

UNC Charlotte Writing Center


The Writing Resources Center (WRC) is a free tutoring service available to all students and can help you at any stage of your writing process—from invention to final polishing—for any academic, professional, or personal writing.

Schedule an appointment

Hours and Contact Information

Writing Handouts

UNC Charlotte Writing Center Tips and Tools

UW-Madison Writer's Handbook

MLA Style Manuals