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RESP 3101: Leadership Practices & Professional Writing for RTs

Library Catalog Search Box

Search for books, articles, and more through our library search system.

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Interlibrary Loan

When you need a book that Atkins doesn't own, request it through our interlibrary loan system. You may also request books that Atkins owns but that are unavailable. You will receive an email alerting you that the book has arrived. The loan period is usually three weeks.

Library Delivery Service

  • For print book delivery, open the book's catalog page and click on the green "Request Item" button. In the next window, select "Distance Ed" from the drop-down menu and hit "Submit." The item will be mailed to your home address and will include a mailer and prepaid label for return shipping to Atkins.
  • The library will scan and email print journal articles and book chapters - go to the library's Item Request and Retrieval page at the link below.