SciFinder-n is now available to UNC Charlotte faculty, staff, and students. Log-in and registration information and links are below. Please use the link below or scroll down to SciFinder-n in the library's database A-Z list, so that you may access the discovery tool directly, if on campus, or through the OpenAthens proxy, if at an off-campus location. Faculty can also use their VPN account to access through office computers.
SciFinder-n is the newest tool from the Chemical Abstracts Service (a division of the American Chemical Society) created to decrease the amount of time searching for information. Features include: Reactions, substances, and references may be searched simultaneously with advanced relevance ranking algorithms returning the best results. The touch-pad friendly interface optimizes chemical structure drawing with ChemDoodle. Filtering reaction searching wtih Experimental Protocols allows access to MethodsNow Synthesis, a collection of synthetic protocols from major chemical publishers. Citation maps are displayed for documents showing forward and backward citations.