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Publish Your Research

A guide to finding the best places to publish your research and practices that maximize your impact.

Find a Journal

Use this list to help research and identify the journal that is the best fit for your work and goals.

  1. What journals have you utilized that are relevant to the article you plan to publish?

  2. What relevant journals do these articles cite?

  3. Search for articles in relevant subject/discipline-specific databases in your field.

  4. Search for relevant articles in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Open access journals can expand the reach of your research. Grants, funding, and discounts are available for OA fees.

  5. Consult colleagues, mentors, research partners, subject librarians, and peers for insight into appropriate journals for your research including journals in which they’ve published.

  6. Refer to tools that recommend journals based on your manuscript title or abstract, such as Open Journal Matcher (open journals) or JANE (health sciences).


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