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PPOL 8800 - Dr. Stephanie Moller

UNC Charlotte & Plagiarism

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Plagiarism

University Policy 407, The Code of Student Academic Integrity defines plagiarism as intentionally or knowingly presenting the work of another as one's own )i.e. without proper acknowledgement of the source). The sole exception to the requirement of acknowledging sources is when the ideas, information, etc., are common knowledge. 

Typical Examples: Submitting as one's own work of a "ghost writer" or commercial writing service; directly quoting from a source without citation; paraphrasing or summarizing another's work without acknowledging the source; using facts, figures, graphs, charts or information without acknowledgement of the source.  Plagiarism may occur orally and in writing.  It may involve computer programs and files, research designs, distinctive figures of speech, ideas and images, or generally any "information" which belongs to another.

The consequences of violating the Code of Student Academic Integrity provide for a range of penalties, including failing the course, expulsion from the University and even revocation of a degree after graduation should a falsification be discovered in a thesis or dissertation.  Read your Student Code!

Plagiarism is taken so seriously at UNCC that it is the only violation of the Code to warrant an attached, extensive Appendix, also worth your time to read.  The Appendix contents are here.