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Digital Humanities

This guide is meant to support Digital Humanities research, scholarship, and teaching at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte.

Tool Repository

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This group serves as an outlet for communication between members of UNC Charlotte that have an interest in digital humanities. Members are encouraged to share readings, professional development opportunities, accomplishments, proposals and questions.

DH Journals

Text & Data Mining Sources

Mine Twitter Data

UNC Charlotte's Data Science Initiative can work with you to collect Twitter data. View existing datasets here or request a dataset be collected using this form.

Social Feed Manager (free) - Social Feed Manager empowers researchers and archivists to create collections of social media data from Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Sina Weibo.

TAGS (free) - is a free Google Sheet template which lets you setup and run automated collection of search results from Twitter.

Text Analysis

Google N-Grams Viewer - Designed by Google which allows a user to plot the use of words over time in approximately 5 million books. Available in multiple languages. 

Open Calais - Offers both free hosting and paid premium accounts. Processes submitted text and returns: Entities, Topic codes, Events, Relations and Social tags.


Overview -  Open-source platform for quickly reading and analyzing thousands of documents. It includes full text search, visualizations, entity detection, topic clustering, and more. All in an easy-to use, visual workflow.


Juxta - Free tools that allows you to compare and collate versions of the same textual work. See their guides for more information. 


TagCrowd - Free web application for visualizing word frequencies in any text by word clouds


Voyant - Free web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts. See their guide for more information

  • Learn how computers-assisted analysis works and study texts. See examples.
  • Add functionality to online collections. 
  • Add interactive evidence to online publications. 
  • Develop your own tools using their functionality and code.



  • ArcGIS Online - A collaborative, cloud-based platform for using, creating, and sharing maps, apps, and data. It is available as a web application through the Geography Department
  • ArcMap - Part of the ArcGIS Desktop applications that allows you to create maps, perform spatial analysis, manage geographic data, and share your results. This is a subscription program.


Carto - Platform for building powerful Location Intelligence applications using the data streams.

  • Free software for students through Github Student Developer Pack. Other pricing options available.
  • Described as "Software as a Service" cloud computing platform that provides GIS and web mapping tools for display in a web browser.
  • Functions as a location intelligence platform because of its tools for data analysis and visualization.
  • Does not require previous GIS or development experience.


SimplyAnalytics - Web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data. Available as a library database. Create a personal account if you want save your work or just sign in as a Guest. Offers a variety of tutorials for getting started.


StoryMap JS - Free, open-source tool to help tell online stories that highlight the locations of objects or a series of events. Log in with Google account. Created by Northwestern University Knight Lab. Read this handout for more information. See an example below. 

Data Visualization

Cytoscape - "Network Data Integration, Analysis, and Visualization in a Box" Open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. See Miriam Posner's introductory guide Use Cytoscape to make a simple network visualization.


D3.js -  JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers. Items available through GitHub


Gephi - Free, open-source network analysis and visualization software package written in Java on the NetBeans platform.

  • Software is metrics ready so no programming skills required.
  • Built-in rendering engine for high performance.
  • Uses: exploratory data analysis, link analysis, social network analysis, biological network analysis, and poster creation. 


NodeXL Basic - Free and open-source network analysis and visualization software package for Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016. NodeXL Pro the  fee-based version and includes access to social media network data importers, advanced network metrics, and automation.


Palladio - Free, open source tool set for uploading and analyzing data.

  • You do not need to create an account, and data is not stored on the site. 
  • Create or Open Palladio Projects by pasting  spreadsheets into the "Load .csv or spreadsheet" section. 
  • Visualize data in a variety of different views: map, graph, list, and gallery.


Timeline JS - Free tool for telling stories in a timeline format. Combines dates with text and images. Log in with Google account. Created by Northwestern University Knight Lab. See a video tutorial and example below. 

Digital Collections

Drupal - Free and open-source content management framework written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License.


Omeka - Open-source content management system and web publishing platform for sharing online digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits. Free and paid options: Omeka S, Omeka Classic, Omeka.Net, Omeka Everywhere. See handout for more information. 


Scalar - Free, open source authoring and publishing platform. Designed for writing long-form, born-digital scholarship online. Provides the ability to assemble media from multiple sources and combine them with writing in a variety of ways. Minimal technical expertise is needed.


WordPress - Open-source platform for publishing websites or media projects. See their support page for more information. 

Image Analysis and Annotation

Gigapixel - "Map" parts of an image with text and other images. Created by Northwestern University Knight Lab as a feature of StoryMap. Requires hosting a folder of images on a web server. Click on example below. 



ImagePlot, ImageMontage, ImageSlice, VisualSense - Software for Digital Humanities

  • ImagePlot - A macro used to create high resolution visualizations showing all image in a collection in a form of a scatter plot.
  • ImageMontage - Creates a 2D grid of images.
  • ImageSlice - "Creates a "slice" view of an image collection."
  • VisualSense - "Interactive exploration of image sets using image plots, bar graphs, and pie charts."


Image Quilts - Google browser extension. Use Google's image search and then delete unwanted images to create a seamless quilt.


TinEye - Reverse image search engine.


ThingLink - Annotate images with text, links, images, etc. Free educational and paid account options. Paid accounts also let you annotate video and 360 views. See example below.


3D Modeling

Blender - Free and open source 3D animation suite. Enable the 3D Printing Toolbox.


Photogrammetry: Intro to 3D Modeling - Research guide focused on using photogrammetry to create a 3D model. See a visualization of the photogrammetry technique below. 



ReCap Photo - Photogrammetry software available from Autodesk. Offers free educational license. Go to Autodesk's Education Community page for ReCap Photo to set up an account.


Sketchfab - Online sharing platform for 3D models.


SketchUp - Offers variety of account for creating 3D models, including limited free version and teacher/student discounts. 


Tinkercad - Browser-based 3D design platform. Part of Autodesk  with free version available.