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Digital Media Literacy Modules for Canvas

This guide shares instructions on how faculty can adopt modules and materials from the library's open Digital Media Literacy Canvas Course.

What is included in these Digital Media Literacy Modules?

With access to the internet and an almost infinite number of informational sources at their fingertips, students may find locating, evaluating, and using reliable information challenging. In order to prepare our students to navigate this complex information ecosystem, Digital Media Literacy is more important than ever. Digital Media Literacy is the ability to use critical thinking and rhetorical reasoning to find, evaluate, synthesize, and create information in online environments.

This set of modules was developed for UNC Charlotte instructors to easily integrate digital media literacy instruction into their courses.


The Canvas course includes modules on:

  • Evaluating Digital Media Sources
  • Information Disorder
  • Social Media and Digital Media Literacy

These modules were developed by Atkins Fellow Claire Macomson for J. Murrey Atkins Library.

How can I use these in my class?

Each module has a set of learning objectives related to topics of digital media literacy. They include readings, videos, and activities that can be integrated into your course as classwork (synchronous or asynchronous), homework, or extra credit work. Look through the modules to determine what materials you want to keep, remove, or adapt. You may choose to use all or just some of this content. Directions to download and begin using modules are located below.

Example Module Structure:

Instructions to add modules to your Course Canvas

  1. Fill out this Google Form with your name, course information, and email so we can get a sense of who is using this material on our campus.
  2. Request a new Canvas Development Site to serve as a shell for the new modules to be imported into.
  3. Go to your new Development course and select "Import from Commons" on the right-hand menu.


  1. In Canvas Commons, search for the term "Digital Media Literacy Resources for Canvas Course." Select the course with UNC Charlotte branding and on the right-hand side of the page, select Import/Download.

  1. Select the title of your Development course as the shell you want to import the course into. Then select Import into Course. It may take a few minutes for the new content to appear in your shell course.


  1. Browse the new site and see what elements you might like to use in your live Canvas course. In the modules page, select the three vertical dots to copy individual modules to your live course Canvas page. 

If you have any questions about using this Canvas Commons course, please contact Atkins Librarians Catherine Tingelstad ( or Natalie Ornat Bitting (