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WRDS 1103 - Mahaffey

Library resources for Dr. Cat Mahaffey's WRDS 1103 sections

Starting Your Research

The library search system is a great stating place for your research.

It can be found on the library homepage or by using the search bar below. This system will search through everything the library owns (books, eBooks, DVDs, CDs, etc.) and almost everything the library subscribes to via research databases (ex. journal articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, dissertations, audiovisual content, etc.).

This will be your broadest search, returning the most results.

Search Keywords Here

Search for books, articles, and more through our library search system.


VIDEO: Using the Library Search System

Navigating Library Databases

Library databases allow you to conduct subject-specific research by searching through a curated collection of resources on a given topic or within a set discipline. By conducting your research in a library database instead of the library search system, you will return a smaller, more targeted list of results.


Popular databases

VIDEO: Using Google Scholar Effectively

The following video shows you how to use Google Scholarly to find scholarly articles and access the full-text of those articles via Atkins Library.