The library's search system is your gateway to access the millions of books, articles, films, and records we have available in our collection. Start your search on the main page of the library's website or use the search box below.
Search for Anything
Spend some time exploring Atkins Library's robust collection of materials by browsing our shelves or "stacks," as we like to call them. If you find a book that you'd like to take with you, bring it to the circulation desk along with your UNC Charlotte ID and we will check it out to you.
You can now explore our collections without leaving home using our virtual browse system. Learn more about how to use this system in the video below.
Find an item you want to check out through our online search system? You can skip the step of finding it on the shelf by requesting the item be placed on hold for you. Watch the tutorial below to learn how to place a request on an available item. Once the item is ready for you, you will receive an email to pick the item up across from the Circulation Desk on our first floor. Don't forget to bring your 49er ID to check it out!
Area 49 promotes creativity, collaboration, analysis, and experimentation, and can be used beyond academic reasons. We can even help you figure out how to approach your ideas, even if you are not on campus. Ask us for help with unconventional projects, determining which technology to use to complete a project, or figuring out how to make your ideas happen!
Use the arrows to take a look at Area 49's many spaces and services.
You can borrow all kinds of technology from the Area 49 Desk on the second floor. Take a look at our Borrow Technology page to see our selection of DSLR cameras, video cameras, tripods, audio recording equipment, circuitry kits, and more! Most items are available to check out for 7 days.
Record your videos here! All you need is a USB drive (available at the Area 49 Desk). Plug it in, and the system will let you choose backgrounds, show content from your computer via HDMI hookup, and record yourself against any backdrop using the blue screen.
Use the Makerspace's crafting and DIY materials for low-tech making or get trained to use our 3D printers, laser cutter, CNC Router, vinyl cutter, and sewing machines. The Makerspace is free to use, except for select materials sold at cost for use with certain machines. You can also submit a 3D print or large format print and have us print it for you. Take a look at the Makerspace page for more information.
The room-width screen in the Visualization Lab is great for seeing all your information at once from our high-powered computers or from your HDMI-enabled laptop. The HTC Vive virtual reality headset is great for gaming or even developing games or environments. Take a look at our Visualization Lab page for more information and how to get trained.
Here, you can create high-quality, digital models of 3D objects. The camera will take pictures of the object from all angles, and the software will stitch them together to develop the model. You can then use this model in other programs or even 3D print it!
Play a game! The Gaming Lab contains an Alienware gaming PC, an Xbox One and Xbox 360, a Playstation 4 Pro, and an Atari CX2600-A. You can check out games, controllers, and headsets at the Area 49 Desk, or you can bring your own. We also have classic consoles with preloaded games available for 7-day checkouts. These are NES, SNES, Atari Flashback 9, and Playstation Classic. Take a look at our Borrow Technology page for a complete list of gaming checkouts.
This computer lab supports professional-grade media production. The computers area loaded with software such as the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, and GarageBand. Take a look at the Multimedia Lab page for a full list of software.
We offer trainings on our machines and spaces and workshops on all kinds of making and creation. We update the list on our Technology Instruction page all the time, but as you roam the second floor, look for current offerings on the Area 49 whiteboard wall and on the digital display above the Area 49 Desk.
We also offer class activities that align with specific course goals and help you think about ideas in new ways. We cover things like design thinking, critical thinking, collaboration, emerging technologies, making, brainstorming, and more. Students, if your instructor books a session for your class, get ready for something different! Instructors, our Technology Instruction page contains more information on how we can work together to build unique experiences for your students, even for online or hybrid classes!
Atkins Library and the Writing Resources Center are available to help you through the research and writing process. You can schedule an appointment with the Writing Resources Center online to get writing assistance. The Writing Resources Center is headquartered in Cameron.