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MPAD 6125: Quantitative Research Methods in Public Administration

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Web Site

Area Planning

Affordable Housing Strategy: report of the City of Charlotte/Housing Strategy Stakeholders
Local Docs HD7304 C37 H68 2000

Affordable Housing Implementation Team Final Report

Local Docs HD7304 C37 A3 2001

Charlotte Neighborhood Quality of Life

Local Docs HA730 C44 C518

Earlier Charlotte Neighborhood Quality of Life done by Planning Commission

Local Docs HA730 C44 C583 1997

Arts and Science Council

Annual Report
Local Docs NX511 C73 A78 (1991 - )

Cultural Action Plan

Local Docs NX767 N8 C5 (1975, 1990, 1997)

Board meeting minutes
Local Docs NX511 C43 A82 (collection level - other things in box with minutes)

Carolinas HealthCare System

Annual Report
Local Docs RA982 C5 C43 ( 1998 - )

Public Health (Dept.) (Carolinas HealthCare)
Annual Report
Local Docs RA448 M43 M429 1995/96 (only that one year)

Public Health (Dept.) (Carolinas HealthCare)
Quarterly report ... to Mecklenburg Human Services Council
Local Docs RA448 M43 M4295 (Oct-Dec 1998, Jan-Mar 1999 only)

Memorandum of intention to enter into ...
Local Docs RA421 C37 (collection level - other things in box with Memorandum

City Council, Charlotte

Local Docs JS694 C44 A55 (May 1984 - )

Council for Children
State of the Children in Mecklenburg County
Local Docs HV742 N8 S72 1985

Children and Violence, the State of the Child
Local Docs HQ784 V55 C438 (1991 - 1997)

Council on Adolescent Pregnancy, Mecklenburg

Mecklenburg County Adolescent Sexuality Report
Local Docs HQ27 M43 (1991 - )

County Commission, Mecklenburg

JS451 N69 M45 (January 1984 - ) - Not available online.

Living in the Shadows: an assessment of homelessness in Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Local Docs HV4506 N8 M67 2000

Out of the Shadows: A plan to reduce the prevalence, duration and impact of homelessness in Mecklenburg County

Local Docs HV4506.N8 M43 2002

Department of Transportation

Annual Report
Local Docs HE4491 C2112 (2001 - )

2025 Integrated Transit/Land Use Plan

Local Docs HE4426 C5 T86 1998 (2 vols.)

South Corridor Major Investment Study

Local Docs HE4491 C43 S68 2000

West Corridor Major Investment Study

Local Docs HT168.C43 W48 2002

Southeast Corridor Major Investment Study

Local Docs HT168.C43 S68 2002

Northeast Corridor Major Investment Study

Local Docs HT168.C43 N673 2002

North Corridor Major Investment Study

Local Docs HT168.C43 N67 2002

South Corridor Rail

Local Docs (Subject Search - Library Catalog - "South Corridor)

Health and Human Services, Mecklenburg

Briefing Book
Local Docs HV51 B75 (1998-99 and 1999-2000 only)

Work First County Plan

Local Docs HV98 N82 W67 (1998-2000 - )

Health Department, Mecklenburg

Annual Report
Local Docs RA448 M43 M43

Briefing Book

Local Docs RA396 A4 N8 (2000 and 2003 only)

Summary of privatization discussions between MCHD and CMHA

Local Docs RA125 M43 (collection level - other things in box with summary)

Land Development, Mecklenburg

State of the Environment Report
Local Docs TD171.3 N8 S73 (1987

Recommendations for Local Air Emission Controls: Breathe Stakeholders Consensus Report

Local Docs TD883.5.N82 C43 2002

Municipal Ordinances, Charlotte

Go to the Library's Catalog a do a "Subject" search for: Ordinances Municipal North Carolina Charlotte

Planning Commission, Charlotte Mecklenburg

Recent neighborhood plans and other documents: Optimist Park Neighborhood Plan [Draft]
Local Docs HT177 C45 C44 2002

Second Ward Neighborhood Master Plan

Local Docs HT177 C45 S4 2002

Seeking Solutions to Reduce Big Box Blight: A Report of the Planning Commission's Big Box Committee on
Why Retail Windows Go Dark
Local Docs HD266 M43 C43 2001

Third Ward Place: A New Address: Creating the Vision for an Exceptional Urban Place

Local Docs HT177 C45 T45 2002

Police Department, Charlotte Mecklenburg

City of Charlotte Community Safety Plan
Local Docs HV7283 C53 C57 1994

Hispanic/Latino Strategic Plan

Local Docs HV7936 P8 H57 1998

Property Assessor's Office / Property and Taxes

Substance Abuse Prevention Services

Drug Use/Abuse by Students in Mecklenburg County (latest title Youth Drug Survey)
Local Docs HV5833 C34 D78 (1986 - )