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MPAD 6125: Quantitative Research Methods in Public Administration

EndNote 101

Web of Science

Example: If you want to know who cited Ruby Takanishi's 2004 article, "Leveling the Playing Field: Supporting Immigrant Children from Birth to Eight", from the journal, The Future of Children ......





  • Go to Web of Science;
  • Select "Cited Reference Search";
  • Scroll to "Change Limits";
  • Unmark boxes to the left of "Science Citation Index Expanded" and / or "Arts and Humanities Citation Index" (Depending on the topic, you may also want to check "Science Citation Index Expanded");
  • In the box marked "Cited Author" enter the author of the article you want to check, e.g. Takanishi R; (NOTE: enter last name followed by the author's first and middle (if available) initials. Use no commas)



  • To find the correct abbreviation for your journal click on the hot link "journal abbreviation list";
  • Locate the journal abbreviation (noted below the title), e.g. Future Child;
  • Note (or copy) the abbreviation and close the window;
  • In the box "Cited Work", enter the abbreviation, e.g. Future Child;



  • In the box "Cited Year(s)" enter the year of the publication, e.g. 2004;
  • Click "Search";

If there are cited references a "Cited Reference Search" page will display;

  • Mark all the boxes listed under the heading "Select" that are relevant;
  • Click "Finish Search";

To view a summary of these articles click on the hot linked citation.

The next step is not needed. But if you want to check to see that your original author appeared in this reference's bibliography, click on "Cited References". Scan the alphabetical listing of authors to find your original author.

Click "Log Out" when through searching.