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Music Research Guide

Books, articles, materials for Music Performance and Education.

Finding Scores in the Library Catalog

There are a few different ways to get at the scores available in the library. Try some of the following in the catalog.

Keyword Search
Use the general library catalog search box to find scores using whatever information you know. Some examples might be: Handel vocal score, duet clarinet flute, or Brahms piano music. If you know all, or part, of the title of the piece, put quotation marks around those words to keep them together. Once you get the results, use the filters on the left to select Resource Type - SCORES.

Author Search
In "Advanced Search" put the name of the composer in the author field. Filter the results by selecting "Resource Type" and SCORES box on the left.

Filter by Format
There are two ways to do this.
1. If you are already looking at the results of a Keyword, Title, or Author search, you can use the filter "Resource Type" on the left hand side of the page to narrow down to "SCORES" by clicking the appropriate box.
2. Go to "Advanced Search." Change "Material Type" to "SCORES"

Free Scores for download

Pre-1800 Music and Manuscripts