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LGBTQ+ Literature and Film

This guide is build for Kathleen Hogan's WGST 4050-091 / ENGL 4072-D02 course.

Search for Articles

Search for Articles

Databases to Find Articles

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Steps to set up Google Scholar:

1. Go to

2. Find the menu located in the top left corner. Click on Settings.

3. Select "Library Links."

4. Type "University of North Carolina Charlotte."

5. Select both options.

6. Type "worldcat"

7. Select the option.

8. Select "SAVE."

What is Peer Review?

A peer reviewed journal or article is one in which a group of scholarly reviewers in the subject area of the journal reviews the content for quality of research and adherence to editorial standards of the journal. If you use materials from peer-reviewed publications they have been vetted by scholars in your field for quality and importance.

You can limit your search results to peer reviewed materials in many library databases.

Scholarly Journals