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Media Literacy

Resources and information for faculty interested in learning more about media literacy and incorporating into their classes.

What's on this page?

These websites and videos provide context for teaching students about algorithms and their effect on the content in their search results and social media feeds. Explore these resources for ideas for your instruction.

Advocacy Organizations for Humane Technology and Algorithmic Justice

These organizations and others are leading initiatives calling for legislation and for organizing and advocacy around issues like "humane technology" and "algorithmic justice." They are part of a broad effort to achieve systemic change with regard to creating a democratic information environment that supports the collective well-being.

Center for Humane Technology

Algorithmic Justice League

The Mozilla Foundation

University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public

Information Literacy in the Age of Algorithms

Using Google

Beware Online "Filter Bubbles"

"Teaching Algorithmic Bias in a Credit-Bearing Course"

The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Results

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results; The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see

The Era of Blind Faith in Big Data Must End

Algorithms of Oppression: Safiya Umoja Noble

Bias in Your Search Results: Lesson Plan