Welcome to the research guide for ENGL 2301: Introduction to African American Literaure. This guide contains selected resources and research tips that can help you with your course assignments. Please feel free to contact me (nornat@uncc.edu) if you have any questions or would like research assistance.
Documenting the American South
Search for primary sources related to Southern history, literature, and culture from the colonial period through the first decades of the twentieth century. Relevant collections:
Digital Schomburg provides access to trusted information, interpretation, and scholarship on the global black experience 24/7. Users worldwide can find, in this virtual Schomburg Center, exhibitions, books, articles, photographs, prints, audio and video streams, and selected external links for research in the history and cultures of the peoples of Africa and the African Diaspora.
Digital Public Library of America
A portal to digitized material made available by America's public libraries, museums, and archives.
Atkins Library Primary Source Databases: