To check and make sure your publications are in compliance with the NIH public access policy, you will need to use the My Bibliography tool in MyNCBI.
Once you have a MyNCBI account, or if you have an existing account, you will need to connect it to your eRA Commons account that you use to manage NIH grant applications and awards.
To connect your MyNCBI account with your eRA Commons account:
Once you have added your publications to My Bibliography, you can associate them with your NIH or HRA awards, if they are not already linked. That is how you can check whether or not they are compliant with the public access policy.
To link an individual publication to an award:
Once you have linked publications not associated with awards to the correct awards, you will be able to see whether or not they are currently in compliance, and if they are not, begin the process to make them compliant.
If you have linked one award or more to the publication, and the status is My Bibliography is green, then it is in compliance and you do not need to take any further steps. A compliant publication should include a PMCID (ID number for the publication in PubMed Central) and a link to the award(s) associated with the publication.
If you have linked one award or more to the publication, and the status in My Bibliography is red, then you may need to take action to ensure compliance with the policy.
To begin the process of making your publication compliant: