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Anti-Oppression Resources

This guide provides resources to learn about and work against the many forms of oppression in our society.

Student Counseling Services

Atkins Library's Self-Care Collection

Self-Care Collection logo with heart in centerVisit Atkins Library's Self-Care Collection to check out special devices and books to support your mental health and self-care. Funded through a grant provided by UNC Charlotte's Counseling and Psychological Services, this collection aims to promote wellness, mindfulness, meditation, and healing.

Create soothing physical and mental environments with the following self-care devices:

  • White Noise Machines
  • Guided Meditation Tools
  • Color and Star Projectors
  • Sunlight Therapy Lamps
  • Buddha Boards

Popular Reading and DVD Collection

Reading a book or watching a movie can be a great way to take a break from the world. Atkins Library has a large collection of popular reading books and DVDs that can be enjoyed when you need a short escape.