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Services and Resources for Faculty


Welcome to the Faculty resources guide. Hopefully what you find here are answers to basic questions about Atkins Library services and resources. Of particular interest, I know, will be the information on this page about Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Review journal data.

As the Social Sciences Liaison, I am your point person for any questions you have about the library and related services. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need assistance with anything.

I look forward to working with you.

Adjunct Faculty Library Services

Library Privileges for Adjunct Faculty

To obtain Library privileges the department chair (or designee) submits names, Social Security Numbers, telephone numbers, email addresses, and length of appointment of those appointed as Adjunct Faculty. These requests should be brought to the Circulation Desk in Atkins Library.


Library privileges include full Faculty privileges/responsibilities:

  • 120 day circulation period,
  • 2 renewals, online, by phone or in person.
  • No limit on the number of items borrowed,
  • Interlibrary Loan privileges,
  • Periodical check out privileges,
  • May recall any checked out items,
  • May designate a Proxy borrower,
  • May request limited borrowing privileges for family members, age 13 and above,
  • Borrowing privileges at any of the 16 university system schools,
  • Borrowing privileges at designated area colleges and universities,
  • Pays fines on overdue recalled items, overdue Inter-Library Loans; according to fine structure for each segment