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Google Scholar

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations provide a simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. You can check who is citing your publications, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. You can also make your profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name, e.g., richard feynman.

Best of all, it's quick to set up and simple to maintain - even if you have written hundreds of articles, and even if your name is shared by several different scholars. You can add groups of related articles, not just one article at a time; and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar finds new citations to your work on the web. You can choose to have your list of articles updated automatically or review the updates yourself, or to manually update your articles at any time.

As UNC Charlotte Faculty you already have one associated with your 49er credentials. 

  • Start by going to
  • Click on either My Citations or Sign in in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Sign in with your 49er credentials. You may have to use your full UNC Charlotte email address. If you are take to another UNC Charlotte login/authentication screen sign in using your regular credentials (username and password). 
  • Click on My Citations. If it's the first time you are using this feature it will walk you through the profile set-up and adding articles.
  • Click on the + Add button and select your articles. 
  • You can add an item manually by clicking the + Add button and then clicking Add article manually in the left column.

After you have added all of you items citation and impact information will appears in the upper right corner of the screen. Take some time to understand exactly what the different categories are assessing.

Predatory Open Access Journals


Predatory Open Access Publications

According to Wikipedia...

"In academic publishing, predatory open access publishing describes an exploitative open-access publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without providing the editorial and publishing services associated with legitimate journals (open access or not). "Beall's List", a regularly-updated report by Jeffrey Beall, sets forth criteria for categorizing predatory publications and lists publishers and independent journals that meet those criteria. Especially newer scholars from developing countries are at a risk of becoming the victim of these practices." [Full article]

Most of you have probably received emails inviting you to submit articles to a previously unknown journal. Some of may have even submitted an article to one of these publishers and had the article accepted. But to get it published you had to pay a fee. These fees can range from a couple hundred dollars to a thousand or more. These solicitations are only interested in your money and not your scholarship.

Be very wary of these invitations. In most cases the publisher's or journal's website site appear to be legitimate but remember anyone can post anything they want on the web. The librarians are doing all we can to discourage this type of 'predation' by not subscribing to journals by these publishers or including them in our databases. 

Journal Impact Tools

  1. Article Influence ---  Uses citation data from JCR or at
  2. Eigenfactor --- Uses citation data from JCR or at
  3. Google Scholar Metrics (Journals) --- Scholar Metrics are currently based on their index as it was in June 2016.

Citation Information