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Electronic Resources Guide

Access Workarounds and Tricks

Some online resources need a little extra "something" before you can access them, or they just have little quirks that can make it hard to find the information you need. While we strive to provide seamless access to our resources, some things are simply out of our control and we have to find workarounds!

This list contains a list of resources with helpful information, tips, and tricks that may be helpful for you to access them and find the content you need.


Resource Helpful Information and Tips
Charlotte Business Journal To access this resource, you will need to make a free account using your university email address. For off-campus access, you will need to be connected to the campus VPN.
NewsBank Some articles you find online (outside of the library catalog) may have been a "digital edition" only. If you can't seem to find it in the newspaper you're viewing in NewsBank, check to see if they have a Web Edition version of the newspaper. You can view the E-Resource Digest post for more information.
The Chronicle of Higher Education Free Content Some content, such as Chronicle Intelligence reports, on the The Chronicle of Higher Education is free to access only if you have a free account set up with the website. To make a free account, select Sign In at the top-right of the screen, select Sign Up, and make an account using your university email address. 
Taylor & Francis eBooks

Some users have been experiencing an issue where they attempt to access an eBook from the Taylor & Francis eBook platform and are being taken to the homepage for the resource. This is due to a box appearing asking the user to agree to the terms and conditions.

If you experience this issue, please follow the instructions in the pop-up box to agree to the terms and conditions. If you are taken to the homepage after providing that additional information, close out that tab and reopen the resource from the library catalog — you should have access to the resource. 

For more information or assistance, you can view the Taylor & Francis eBooks Access Help document.