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Education and Psychology Related Tutorials

This guide contains a variety of print and video tutorials designed to help students and faculty in the College of Education search our resources and/or utilize the library's services more efficiently and effectively.

Searching ERIC using EBSCO

The videos below will walk you through how to search ERIC using the EBSCOhost interface. I recommend that you view them in the order they are presented. If you need to go back to a specific section you can use one of the links listed in the left column.

Although these tutorials provide the most detailed information about searching ERIC using the EBSCOhost interface there are a couple of things to keep in mind no matter which interface you use.
  • ERIC documents have an ED at the beginning of their accession number [Example: ED876543]
  • Education Journals have an EJ at the beginning of their accession number [Example: EJ987654]
  • USE THE THESAURUS if you are having trouble determining the correct terms to search.
  • USE THE PU PUBLICATION TYPE field to locate articles with research data.
  • DO NOT check the FULL TEXT box.
  • Carefully review any APA citations that you copy from any database.

Getting started in ERIC via EBSCO

This video discusses how to formulate a search using a variety of techniques including the ERIC Thesaurus, using boolean operators 'ANDs' and 'ORs', and the tools in the left column.

Limiting to Research Articles and getting the Articles

This video explains how to zero in on research articles and how to actually get the articles..

APA Citation Tool

This video explains how to use the Cite tool provided by EBSCOHost in ERIC