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African American Church/Civil Rights

This course is designed to introduce students to the critical, academic study of race, religion and movements of liberation. In addition, this course looks at the issues of ethnicity and race within the academic study of religion

University Archives

The University Archives consist of the non-current, permanently valuable official records of the University dating from its establishment in 1946 as the Charlotte Center of the University of North Carolina. 




Resources for Black Student Activism at UNC Charlotte

Resources for research on “Black Student Activism at UNC Charlotte


Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor


1967-1971       Box 1/folder 3             Administration—Black Studies            26.2

1967-1971       Box 5/folder 200         Student Unrest                                    26.2+


African American & African Studies, 1969-1984, 1991                              31.3

            [includes information on background and development of department,

 Black Student Union, etc.]




1965-1969       Box 7/folder 113         Black Student Unrest                           57.1+

1965-1969       Box 7/folder 114         Black Studies                                       57.1+

1965-1969       Box 7/folder115          Black Studies Committee                     57.1+

1965-1969       Box 9/folder 144         Stokely Carmichael                              57.1+


1969-1973       Box 5/folder 51           Black Student Union                            59.1+

1969-1973       Box 5/folder 52           Black Student Unrest                           59.1+

1969-1973       Box 14.folder 136       Black Studies Committee                     59.1+

1969-1973       Box 48/folder 469       Student Unrest                                     59.1+


Committees—Black Studies, 1966-1982                                                     14.1


Dean of Students


1965-1982       Box 2/folder 61           Black Student Union                             33.4


Public Information & Publications—Director


1961-1977       Box 1/folder 4             Carmichael, Stokely                            168.4


Public Information & Publications—News releases


1946-1980       Box 2/folder 54           Carmichael, Stokely                            32.3+

1964-1979       Box 1/folder 18           Black Studies                                      113.6


Special Collections—University Archives—Reference file                        10th floor


1949-1974       Box 1                          Black Student Enrollment
Resources for research on “Black Student Activism at UNC Charlotte


Student Affairs Vice Chancellor


1965-1973       Box 5/folder 276         Financial Aid—Student Unrest                      124.5

1965-1973       Box 8/folder 450         Student Organizations—BSU                        125.1

1965-1973       Box 8/folder 451         Student Organizations—BSU                        125.1

1965-1973       Box 8/folder 452         Student Orgs--BSU-Carmichael                    125.1

1973-1981       Box 1/folder 35           Black Students—Concerns, 1980-81 1           96.5

1979-1988       Box 1/folder 33           Black Students—Concerns 1981-83               87.3                


University Publications—Newsletters


1981-1995       Box 2/folder 93           Black Perspective                                           72.4


University Publications—Brochures, printed material


1961-               Box 1/folder 23           BSU—Black Studies                          1           86.5



University Publications—Student Newspapers                  shelved on 9th floor


1968-1969       Carolina Journal (bound volumes cover 1965-1972)                          19.3


University Publications—Yearbooks                                  shelved on 9th floor


1968+                                                                                                                     254.5


Photographs [see also yearbooks]                                         shelved on 9th floor


1965-1979       Box 2/folder 25           Black flag                                                   263.3

1965-1979       Box 2/folder 26           Black protest                                              263.3

1965-1979       Box 2/folder 27           Black studies                                              263.3

1975-               Box 1/folder 41           Black studies                                              264.3

1975-               Box 4/249                   Peace Day/Black students (1982)            264.3