Sketchfab is a platform that is widely use by individuals and organizations to share 3D models. You will need to create an account to upload files. When sharing your models, consider using a Creative Commons License to define or limit the way others can use your model.
File Format/Type | File Name |
.obj* |
Alias Wavefront |
.blend | Blender |
.fbx | Autodesk Filmbox,FBX |
.gltf (+.bin), . glb | GL Transmission Format |
*OBJ files (.obj) are the preferred way to export your model form Metashape for upload into Sketchfab. OBJ model exports should include a texture file/files (.jpg, .png, or .tiff) and an MTL (.mtl) material library file, which describes how a program should apply the texture file. Instructions for how to upload all these files together into Sketchfab.
Additional file formats can also be uploaded to Sketchfab.
You can interact with your 3D model in virtual reality using the HTC Vive available in Atkins Library's Visualization Lab by uploading your model to Tilt Brush. Find out how to import an object into the VR headset.
You can find instructions for how to prepare your model for printing in the 3D Printing section of the Area 49 LibGuide. To print a file yourself, you must attend a 3D Printer Training session or you can submit a print request for us to print fo you.