Epilog Zing Laser Cutter, 50 watt
Cut Bed:
Location: Makerspace
Use Options: Training only
Cost: Free to use, but select materials are available for purchase, or you may provide your own.
The laser cutter uses a laser to cut and engrave all kinds of materials. This page shows how to prepare a file for cutting and engraving and how to use the laser cutter. Complete our online training course to get authorized!
Users may set their own jobs on the laser cutter after completing a training and signing the Laser Cutter Safety Agreement, but must schedule them ahead of time at groupstudy.charlotte.edu. Any unscheduled jobs may be stopped and removed from the machine if someone else has scheduled that time. If the user does not check in within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, the scheduled job will be automatically removed from the calendar.
Open Adobe Illustrator and set the dimensions of the artboard using the dimensions of the physical piece you are placing in the laser cutter.
Design the piece the way you plan for it to look on the material.
To insert an already-developed item
File > Place, Then click and drag to place the item.
File > Open> select item > copy + paste on artboard.
Make an object hollow for cutting
Select object > Image Trace > Expand > select Direct Selection arrow tool> click image > change inside color to transparent and outline color to black. This should look like an outline of your image.
Select the object with the direct selection tool > Click the swap arrow near the color selector (image 1).
Make sure the fill color is transparent and the stroke color is black.
Photo engraving
File > Open, select item > copy + paste it on artboard > Edit > Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale (whether it already looks like grayscale or not)
Make sure the stroke color is black.
Change stroke value to.001 in or .072 pt for any lines that will be cut. The line will now appear lighter.
Ensure that the Opacity value is set to 100%.
Use only grayscale (black, gray, white)
Lighter in image = shallower engraving
Darker in image = deeper engravings
Prepare cutting settings: File > Print > Choose printer > Epilog Zing > Setup > Choose printer Epilog Zing again > More Settings .
Never check "Let the app change my printing preference" box.
If you can't see the print preview in the first gray printing box after you select the Epilog Zing as the printer, click "Done," then select File > Print again. The preview should show up.
In the Laser Dashboard (blue Epilog settings box), choose the correct settings based on the Laser Dashboard Guide.
If your material is uniquely shaped, check the box for Center Engraving.
In the Illustrator dialog box, ensure that "Auto Rotate" is not checked.
OK > Print. It will not send to the machine yet.
Print preview should appear correct with with Document and Media sizes showing the correct length and width (both should be the same). If it doesn't look right, click "Done," then go back into More Settings..Check that all setting are still correct in the Laser Dashboard. Click OK.
To send job to the laser cutter, click Print on main print screen.
Turn on the laser cutter. The machine will beep once it is ready for use.
Click Print on the computer. It is now sent to the machine. If the job doesn't show up on the machine, turn the machine off and on, then send the print job again.
If an error box comes up saying that the job could not be sent to the printer, go to your Layers tab in Illustrator and click the lines for more options. Select either "Merge Selected" or "Flatten Artwork."
Set the focus: Press the Focus button, place the material below the silver laser beam arm, flip the arm down onto the material. Raise or lower the laser bed until the arm just touches the material. Press Reset and place material in the upper left-hand corner of the machine.
Set home position:
If material is rectangular:
Place material at the top left of the bed.
Press X/Y off
Press "Pointer" (turns on red pointer light)
Manually move the pointer to the top left corner of your material.
Press "Go" to lock in this location. This will not signal the machine to start.
If your material is uniquely shaped and does not fit perfectly in the corner:
Place the material in your desired location
Press x/y off
Press "Pointer" (turns on red pointer light)
Manually move it to the center of your material or to the center of your desired location.
Press Go to lock in this location. By pressing Go at this time will not signal the machine to start.
(Note: Center engraving requires you to choose "Center Engraving" in the blue dialog box on the computer.)
Close the door.
Turn on the Filtration unit. The normal blower speed is 80%.
Materials such as leather, acrylic, and other smelly materials can be set to a higher speed.
For cardboard, the blower should be set to no higher than 80%, as the flame can easily be pulled across the cardboard, causing it to burn. If this happens (especially with slower laser cutting speeds or more detailed cuts), move the cardboard lower on the cutting bed away from the blowers and begin your project there by choosing center engraving or moving the top left start point to the new start location.
The laser cutter should display your file name. Press Go.
Remove your materials after all movement has stopped. Close the door. Turn off both the filtration unit and the laser cutter. Turning off the machine will delete the job from the machine’s memory.
If the vector grid is not in the laser cutter and aligned with the vent holes, please ask a Makerspace Monitor to insert the grid and check that it is properly lined up.
The vector grid should be as free as possible of small debris before use. Please check for debris inside the vector grid before use. If debris is present, remove the vector grid, turn it upside down over a trash can to dump out debris, and ask a Makerspace Monitor for assistance with replacing and aligning the grid into the machine.
Follow all other instructions for the laser cutter as normal including settings for the vector and raster.
Material |
Action |
DPI/Frequency |
Speed % |
Power % |
Acrylic |
Photo Engraving 1/8" (3mm) |
500 DPI |
80 |
15 |
Acrylic |
Text/Clipart Engraving |
500 DPI |
75 |
20 |
Acrylic* |
Text/Clipart Engraving |
500 DPI |
90 |
30 |
Acrylic |
Cutting 1/8" (3mm) |
5000 Frequency |
45 |
80 |
Acrylic* |
Cutting 1/4" (6mm) |
5000 Frequency |
25 |
100 |
Adjusting the standard focus distance so it is closer to the lens by about .030” (.762 mm) will produce better edge quality on 1/4” acrylic and thicker. Two passes may produce better results and allow for cutting through thicker materials. There are two types of acrylic: cast is better for engraving (creates a frosted look when engraved) and extruded acrylics are better for smooth-edged cutting. |
Alumamark* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
45 |
Alumamark* |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
90 |
40 |
Andonized Aluminum* |
Photo/Clipart |
400 DPI |
90 |
45 |
Andonized Aluminum* |
Photo/Clipart |
500 DPI |
90 |
35 |
Andonized Aluminum* |
Text |
500 DPI |
90 |
40 |
Cardboard |
1/8" Engraving |
500 DPI |
80 |
12 |
Cardboard (See below chart for info on foldable cardboard) |
1/8" Cutting |
500 Frequency |
75 |
20 |
Cork* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
25 |
Cork* |
Cutting |
500 Frequency |
60 |
30 |
Cotton* |
Engraving |
250 DPI |
90 |
20 |
Denim* (See below chart for more info) |
Engraving |
250 DPI |
90 |
25 |
Fleece* |
Engraving |
200 SPI |
90 |
20 |
Fleece* |
Cutting |
2500 Frequency |
40 |
10 |
Glass* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
30 |
100 |
Change the graphic to 80% gray before engraving glass and using the Jarvis dithering pattern. Diffuse heat by covering glass with dish soap. |
Leather* |
Photo Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
25 |
Leather* |
Text/Clipart Engraving |
500 DPI |
90 |
30 |
Leather* |
Cutting 1/8" (3mm) |
500 Frequency |
70 |
50 |
Mat Board* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
50 |
Mat Board* |
Cutting |
500 Frequency |
30 |
40 |
Bottom-up engraving is suggested for mat board etching. |
Marble* |
Photo Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
45 |
Marble* |
Text Engraving |
500 DPI |
90 |
55 |
Every marble is very different. Start low and increase the power with a second run if you haven’t used that marble before. |
Painted Brass* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
55 |
Painted Brass* |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
90 |
50 |
Plastics* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
90 |
30 |
Plastic (2-layer Engravable)* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
70 |
100 |
Plastic (2-layer Engravable)* |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
80 |
100 |
Plastic (2-layer Engravable)* |
Cutting 1/8" (3mm) |
5000 Frequency |
80 |
30 |
Rubber Stamps* |
Engraving |
400 DPI |
30 |
100 |
Rubber Stamps* |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
40 |
100 |
Rubber Stamps* |
Cutting |
100 Frequency |
20 |
100 |
Stainless Steel w/Cermark* |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
30 |
100 |
Twill* |
Cutting |
2500 Frequency |
60 |
20 |
Wood* |
Photo Engraving |
500 DPI |
85 |
100 |
Wood* |
Clipart/Text Engraving |
400 DPI |
70 |
100 |
Wood |
Engraving |
500 DPI |
80 |
12 |
Wood* |
Deep Engraving |
500 DPI |
40 |
100 |
Wood* |
Thin Veneer |
500 Frequency |
30 |
14 |
Wood | Cutting 1/16" (1.6mm) | 500 Frequency | 95 | 10 |
Wood |
Cutting 1/8" (3mm) |
500 Frequency |
60 |
45 |
Wood* |
Cutting 1/4" (6mm) |
500 Frequency |
40 |
100 |
Multiple passes may allow cutting of thicker wood. Readjust the focus between passes down to the center point of the cut for best results. |
* These settings are recommended by the manufacturer but have not been tested on our machine. You may need to adjust Speed, Power, Frequency, or DPI for your project. Whenever possible, test setting on a scrap or section of your material that will not be used for your main project.
In Adobe Illustrator, change the stroke value to .001 in or .072 pt for all lines in your design.
In the Laser Dashboard (blue Epilog settings box) use the following settings:
Set to vector mode only. Set Frequency to 500, Power % to 30, and Speed % to 50