The Vinyl Cutter works with the Makerspace desktop computer. Check to ensure the USB cord from the machine is plugged into the USB extension cord that leads to the back desktop.
Loading Media
Roll Media
- Lower the media set lever to raise the push rollers.
- Set the roll on the stock shaft between the stopper clips. These clips are set to match the width of our vinyl rolls.
- Push the tip of the media forward through the machine from the back.
- Move the push rollers so that they align with the edges of your material AND the grit roller position guides. Ensure that your material always covers the media sensor.
- For media that is 2 meters or more, position the push rollers at least 15mm inside the edges. For media that is 2 meters or less, position the push rollers at least 5mm inside the media.
- Raise the media set lever to lower the push rollers.
- Select Roll-1 on the vinyl cutter screen.
Sheet Media
- Lower the media set lever and load the sheet media so that the right edge lines up with the guideline on the front of the vinyl cutter. Make sure it covers the media sensor.
- Move the push rollers so that they align with the edges of your material AND the grit roller position guides. The media should be at least 125mm (5in) in length.
- Raise the media set lever to lower the push rollers.
- Select Sheet on the vinyl cutter screen.
Tool Conditions and Test Cuts
Test Cuts
Tool Condition No. 1 is pre-set to settings that work well with the makerspace vinyl. Before cutting your project, perform a test cut to ensure that the settings will work for you.
- Press the tool icon.
- Press "CUT TEST" twice.
- Press the position keys to move the tool carriage to the location you want the test cut to be, then press the Enter key. Note: the cut is performed to the left of the carriage, so moving it all the way to the left will not allow sufficient space for the test to be carried out. It is recommended to allow the text to run on the right side of the material, then move the carriage slightly to the left to carry out any subsequent tests.
- Inspect the test cut. You should be able to easily peel the cut pieces off of the backing, and there should be a faint impression of the cut lines on the backing. The cut should not go all the way through the backing.
- If the cut goes all the way through the backing or does not cut all the way through the vinyl, the force setting may need to be adjusted.
Tool Conditions
The recommended tool condition settings are as follows:
- Tool: CB09U
- Offset: 0
- Speed: 30cm/s
- Force: 8
- Accel.: 2
- Assign tool: 1
- Blade Ctrl Force: 4
- Tangential Mode: Off
You may find that you need to adjust some settings to get a good result with different materials.
- If your test cut did not cut all the way through the vinyl, increase the force by 1 or 2 at a time, test cutting between each change.
- If your test cut cut through the backing, decrease the force by 1 or 2 at a time, test cutting between each change.
- If the corners of your test cut are deformed, consider changing the offset value in the following ways:
To change tool condition settings:
- Press the tool icon.
- Press "CONDITION No."
- Press "CONDITION No. 2"
- Please only change the settings of Condition No. 2. Do not change the settings of Condition No. 1.
- Change the desired settings.
- Please revert back to Condition No. 1 when you are done using the adjusted condition.
Cutting Your File
- Open your file in Adobe Illustrator. Size the artboard to be the same size as your design.
- When you are ready to cut your design, go to File > Cutting Master 5 > Send to Cutting Master 5.
- The Software should place your design in the lower right corner of the workspace.
- To create multiple copies at the same time, click the “Matrix Copy” tab on the sidebar. Enter the number of copies desired, then the amount of X and Y spacing desired between each copy.
- Weeding lines are lines that assist in the process of removing unwanted vinyl from the final piece, otherwise known as weeding. To add weeding lines, click on the “Weed Line” tab in the sidebar. Check the “Weed Border” box to add a box around your design. Check either “Horizontal Split Lines” or “Vertical Split Lines” to add weeding Lines.
- To run your job, ensure that “Send to Cutter” is selected in the drop down at the bottom of the sidebar, then click “OUTPUT.” Selecting “Save to File” in the drop down and clicking “OUTPUT” will allow you to save your project as a file.
- Once complete, raise the media set lever and pull the vinyl forward as needed. Cut a horizontal line across.