- Wet the sponge of the soldering iron and insert the soldering iron stand into the holder.
Fig. 1: Installation of the soldering iron stand
- Place the iron into the holder then plug in the soldering iron into the soldering iron base
- Plug and position the fan and the soldering iron, turn the dial to 4 and turn on the iron.
- Once the iron is hot, touching the end to the wet sponge should cause a hiss or steam. Wipe both sides of the tip on the sponge to clean it.
- Hold the solder in one hand and the iron in the other and touch the solder to both sides of the tip. This action called tinning, allows for better heat transfer, which means easier and better soldering. It also is a good practice to tin and then clean the tip so it remains shiny.
- The tip of your soldering iron should be shiny and ready to solder!

Fig. 2: A cleaned, tinned, iron tip
- To solder to a pad or other metal substance, bring the iron to the point where the solder is to be applied and heat up the area, then bring the solder wire to meet the iron and apply until a good solder joint is made- a good solder joint will be smooth and shiny. Typically, this is done holding the soldering iron like a pencil and cutting off a section of the soldering wire to be used. The key is to bring the wire to the where the pad and the tip meet, as that is where the temperature is to be the highest.

Fig. 3: Soldering onto a pad
- To solder two wires together, begin by wrapping the wires together so they are intertwined, then apply the soldering iron and solder to the joint.

Fig. 4: Soldering wires
- Remember while soldering that the tip should be cleaned and re-tinned in order to maximize the effectiveness of the tip. The iron should also be returned to the holding stand when not in use.
- Once done with soldering, the tip should be cleaned (wipe both sides down multiple times on the wet sponge. The iron should be returned to the holding stand and powered down. The iron should be fully cooled before attempting to disassemble the soldering station.